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   Real Alternative 1.90 : Reviews Rating: 3.8 

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Reviews Real Alternative 1.41
Date: 19 Jun 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: asdfa

works great!

Reviews Real Alternative 1.41
Date: 19 Jun 2005 | Rating: 2 | Written by: Praetorian

Avg antivirus has found a trojan horse IRC/backdoor.SdBot.Cs in the media player classic executable installed by this package...
What the f ?

Reviews Real Alternative 1.41
Date: 16 Jun 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Edson

Amazing program, works great on my P3 800.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.39
Date: 2 Jun 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: aj

With my Windows 98 machine, this works great for me. No problems streaming either with this version, no freezing, I'm absolutely happy.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.38
Date: 30 May 2005 | Rating: 1 | Written by: Firsttime

I just installed 1.38 on two machines. Both are running Win XP SP1, but for some reasons, it kept crashing on one of the machines whenever I opened the file.! :(

Reviews Real Alternative 1.38
Date: 28 May 2005 | Rating: 3 | Written by: initial

I has to try a few time before a real media actually play, if not i can just hear the sound with the screen freeze at the starting scene.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.37
Date: 12 May 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Tomislav

Oh yeah, RA 1.37 is stream-buggied. 1.34 works OK too... Fix it, please...

Reviews Real Alternative 1.37
Date: 1 May 2005 | Rating: 1 | Written by: Norman

It failed, every time I try to watch a streaming video, it tries to detect proxy settings, while If I use Real Alternative 1.29, it works fine. Please fix the bug.
Using IE 6.0+ it may also do the same as Firefox.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.37
Date: 29 Apr 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Derek

Real Alternative 1.37

Further to my request, 27th April 2005, for someone to answer my two questions, here is my e-mail address if somebody would like to contact me by e-mail...

Many thanks,

Reviews Real Alternative 1.37
Date: 27 Apr 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Derek

I am a newcomer to the Real world and am hoping that someone can give me some advice before I download Real Alternative 1.37
I have Windows XP with Windows Media Player 10.

What I would like answers to are the following questions.....

1. Will Windows Media Player 10 work with Real Alternative 1.37 by just downloading Real Media Codecs version 6.0.12872 ?
2. Do I need to download Real Media Direct Show Splitter version as well ?

I am more than happy with Windows Media Player 10, I just wish that it would play ra and rm files without all this hassle !

Many thanks to anyone that can help.


Reviews Real Alternative 1.36
Date: 21 Apr 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Tex Lovera

Holy cow! Tinfoil hat alert. Someone didn't take their meds today.....

Anyhoo, I tried the Real Alternative, and it works great. Thank God I could finally get rid of RealPlayer.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.35
Date: 17 Apr 2005 | Rating: 1 | Written by: daBrat

Well, I haven't learned a d**n thing except I am not alone in stating "Real Player Sucks," and I boycott them and other sites that support them. They're as evil as George Bush, dude & dudettes!What I cannot for the life of me figure out, why have so many sites switched to them? At least with the election, we know it was stolen...

Reviews Real Alternative 1.35
Date: 14 Apr 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Baadshah

Real Alternative isn't fully functional realmedia player. It doesn't all all the parameters that realmedia supports. I can't play embedded content which have the following parameters in their address:



"local machine pathname" /statpos:00:16.4

It works but realplayer, but not real alternative.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.32
Date: 10 Mar 2005 | Rating: 3 | Written by: hey

I think its great the there is a 'Real' alternative. Kudos to developers.

However, I believe that the REAL Real alternative is to boycott Real content. If we (and I mean us) refused to participate in broken mediums, like DRM, then they would go away.

Everytime you discover content that is only available in Real format, complain to the provider and refuse to participate.


Reviews Real Alternative 1.31
Date: 4 Mar 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Tomislav

Just an appendix... Jet Audio will play ALL Real files. It's freeware in its basic version, and isn't spyware or adware. I'm glad if I helped someone..

Reviews Real Alternative 1.31
Date: 4 Mar 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Tomislav

For real audio clips (ra. -s)use JetAudio 6.1. http://www. jetaudio. com/download/index.html. Works great!

Reviews Real Alternative 1.30
Date: 22 Feb 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Joe Toad

Excellent. Only slight initial problem was at a web-site that uses a pop up window to play the videos. The first time I tried to stream an .rm video clip, it gave message in the green "rebuffering" strip which read "detecting proxy settings" which stalled the playing of the clip for about a minute or so. It finally played after that and subsquently there was no repetition of this kind of delay.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.30
Date: 15 Feb 2005 | Rating: 4 | Written by: Neill

Great program. Nice to be able to ditch the invasive RealWhatever, like freakin' kudzu. It would've gotten five stars, except I can't use it to listen to Real samples on Amazon .com. I have to use the dread WMP 10 for that.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.30
Date: 14 Feb 2005 | Rating: 1 | Written by: Tac

Frustrated and Desperate over Real Player. Dumped it all again and went looking on MSN Community XP site for others that might have prob's with Real Mess and found the dirction tothis program. I am a very basic pc user who enjoys litening to some radio on bbc that requires Real Player and one of the sites on my church site uses it. So disgusted with Real Mess ERROR message when tried to send them my have WMP 10 and need another program to take care of the rm or ram whichever...that it does not handle and now and then play a CD and or DVD in my system. Read all of aboe and need to know..Do I just download the 1 download of 1.30 or 1.29 and will that do the regular task for me. I read the remarks about running one With WMP. I am uneducated beyond E mails and a bit of surfing...HELP with plain simple english please.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.30
Date: 9 Feb 2005 | Rating: 2 | Written by: rob

Hi ,I have a problem with real alternative to add subtitles.its aking me to add directshow.where do I get this?

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 1 Feb 2005 | Rating: 3 | Written by: Robin

It works well, except for when playing streaming media. It seems that it doesn't buffer long enough, and because of that it has to buffer several times for each clip. There are bandwidth setting but it seems that no matter what I set to it sets it self back to T1, which is to high. Is there anyway to change how long it buffers before playing, like in Real Player?

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 31 Jan 2005 | Rating: 1 | Written by: Mad Guy

Who made this screwoff program????
It DOES NOT work with WMP10!! Install Classic WMP??? Thats the whole point of the program (atleast what is should be) - you only have to use ONE MEDIA PLAYER!! because ALL music is the same you just need a codec to decode it and you dont have to download 5 bs media players!!!

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 31 Jan 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: user

this software is great! i hated the realplayer and now, I can listen to whatever i want...thumbs up

to NT4 and w2000 users: get a proper, up-to-date OS ffs!

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 20 Jan 2005 | Rating: 1 | Written by: abc

Didn't work at all on NT4: the media player classic reports "The proceduree entry point DirectDrawCreateEx could not be located in the dynamic link library DDAW.DLL".

Probably this software is not meant for NT4 (while searching the net, I found that other software also have exactly the same problem, and they don't have any answers either).

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 19 Jan 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: aad

Real Alternative and quicktime works great under w.m. classic. and it is free. Only unistall realplayer 1 or 10 and Quicktime 6.5. via regcleaner. It is a must have for it plays all the codecs from old to the newest version esp.the soundfiles. Older codecs are missing in wmp.10. So they say look on the web but if you already can find the older codec mostly you have to pay for it. So do install these little codec programms in the proper way than it will amaze you. Again it is for free. Greetings all. Oh don,t uninstall wmp 10 because
you can always use this quy.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 19 Jan 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: aad

after having troubles with realplayer 1 and 10 i installed real alternative with wmp classic together and i must say it works great. you must use them together. i am still working with wmp 10 and that goes fine i need it. you have to see it so by this programm you have all the codecs from real and wmp from old to new. and it is for free. don,t forget that.
It works so well because the old codecs to play audio in wmp 10 and realplayer 1 or10 (they have forgotten to install these) still are working fine under real alternative.
Iam working under WXP.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 15 Jan 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Laurence

A good alternative to realplayer 10. Nice and simple. No Ads, burning option, etc. My probem is that I've setup a streaming media machine which works fine except that using real alternative you can't use the slider to go back and forth in the film, it just hangs. Which means I can't really recommend it to others. Slider works ok in real player 10. Nearly there. Streaming media server is helix version 10. (same happens to all helix versions). keep up the good work. PS What's the real alternative Linux Option?

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 9 Jan 2005 | Rating: 2 | Written by: duh

Downloaded and installed it without Media Player Classic. I dont want to install additional players (not MP classic nor that steaming pile of nuts called Real One Player) so I use it with Windows Media Player 10 and only few files (like 1 out of 5) actually plays correctly. Most audio/video files don't play at all, WMP only says its unable to find codec for the file.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 3 Jan 2005 | Rating: 3 | Written by: TheBobman

Well, it does exactly what it supposed to do, but in a multi-monitor environment I can only get it to work on monitor 1. On monitor 2 it frequently doesn't work.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 1 Jan 2005 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Pummi in Akron, OH

Media Player Classic has been flawless but I didn't read enough good about Real Alternative 1.29 so I saved it for later. I just had a system crash and installing Real Alternative 1.29 is one reason I can be happy. Media Player Classic survived the crash and I got rid of that stupid crashing Real Player for good. I write HTML for fun and my browser plays embedded media and connects to my favorite radio station on web pages I authored. It's great, that is all.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 28 Dec 2004 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Paul

Cant you guys understand that the player included in the package is NOT PROVIDED BY THIS SITE!!! It's The old cla$$ic Windows MEDIA PLAYER and its just included there for you to use. Its the codec that these guys made not the player. Duh!

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 27 Dec 2004 | Rating: 1 | Written by: JS

It doesn't play rm files broadcasted from radio stations such as WKCR, at least on my windows 2000.
The idea is good but since I need a realplayer on for radio station I will uninstall it and go back to realone :-(

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 17 Dec 2004 | Rating: 4 | Written by: Jez

It works fine for me except I couldn't get the ram files embedded in the web-pages to play. Media Player comes up and says "cannot find the specified file.." I tried downloading the ram file but had the same problem.

To answer lilboy's question down there, this download is *not* a "program", it is *not* a player that "looks" like Windows Media Player.. it's a codec which allows you to play RealPlayer files *in* Media Player. You have the option of installing Media Player 6 with the codec, but I prefer to use MP 9 (10 $uck$). So I de-selected that option. And as for "overlapping and overwriting issues" well there are none. It's a codec. Just like DivX is a codec. Same thing, but for RealPlayer files. Got that? Good.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 15 Dec 2004 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Anonymous

Works perfectly for me. I'm using a pyrated copy of Windows XP Professional with only service pack 1 (windows update won't let me get service pack 2 because my xp copy is illegal, hehe). After Real Player stole credit card numbers, passwords and other personal information with their previous "download manager" program, i will never trust those jerks again. Real Player is probably working with the privacy-invading Echelon or something like that. Conspiracy so trust no one, choose the underdog!

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 8 Dec 2004 | Rating: 1 | Written by: Spencer Thayer

I was hoping to get an alternative to Real Player but all I got was a program that ruins every codec on a computer. Maybe it's incapatible with one of my graphics cards or maybe its poorly written. Either way on my computer it "zooms" in to the top right corner of the video. Not just real player files but all video files expect for those usingt DIVX, that doesn't even play at all. Sure it could be something else wrong with my computer, but I dig the simplest answer. I install the program and then I open it up and stream it and there was the error. Then I opened other files and once again, error. SO I'm just gonna a$$ume it's Real Player Alternative. Watch out. You may have to go through a hell of a battle restoring your codecs.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 8 Dec 2004 | Rating: 3 | Written by: GLITCH

I can't get this to work, Am I trying to convert the wrong type of files? .RAX is what I'm working on there the purchased music from Real.(grr hate them don't know why I bought from them. grr) Help me please....

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 4 Dec 2004 | Rating: 5 | Written by: PS

works great for me, doesn't try to take over your comuter the way RealPlayer does, I hated realplayer

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 4 Dec 2004 | Rating: 1 | Written by: RealMan

After I install real Alternative 1.29, not all real video can be opened, most of them cannot be opened, but real play can open all the real video. Why, this program so $uck$.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 24 Nov 2004 | Rating: 5 | Written by: S202

Downloaded 1.29 for my Windows XP SP2 (Chinese edition) with Media Player 10.0. All I can say is Real Alternative 1.29 kicks butt. It runs all files that I need to view such as .dat, .avi., .rmvb. and .mpeg without any problem.

Reviews Real Alternative 1.29
Date: 21 Nov 2004 | Rating: 5 | Written by: Ticked off?

I am not sure if this is from Real Alternative. I installed it, and now I cannot start my RealPlayer 10.5. I was thinking I would have both to use. XP SP2, ~1.2 Athlon, 512 DDR. Do I need to uninstall RealAlternative, and then re-install RealPlayer? Any help is good.

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