Here, we'll try to list the best promotional offers, cupons and discounts supplied by well-known (and less-known) software developers to codecs.com / free-codecs.com visitors.
20% discount from SlySoft!
SlySoft - the developer of AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD, CloneDVD, CloneDVD Mobile, CloneCD and GameJackal Pro - has another special offer for codecs.com visitors: use now the promo promotional code and get 20% discount on all products (except upgrades) purchased from SlySoft website!
Visit SlySoft's website: www.slysoft.com, select the products (only the products you want to buy, of course) and click on Buy now >> button.
Fill out the fields from Personal Information page (Step 1/4) then enter the promotional code: promo on Coupon / Promotion Code field (at the bottom of page) and follow the next steps.
IMPORTANT! This coupon will be valid until 2008-04-20.
15% OFF for ConvertXtoDVD - convert and burn your videos to DVD with a few clicks

Another great deal for our visitors (we have to thank the guys from VSO) is ConvertXtoDVD - with ConvertXtoDVD and a few clicks you can backup your movies to DVD playable on any home DVD player.
As you may read on software's page, ConvertXtoDVD supports most popular format such Xvid, MOV, VOB, Mpeg, Mpeg4, MP4, AVI, WMV, DV and stream formats. It converts your files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD media.
There is no cupon or promotional code. If you want to benefit from 15% discount click the Buy Full Version of ConvertXtoDVD link, from ConvertXtoDVD page or just follow this link.
IMPORTANT! This offer is valid until 2008-03-31 and is available ONLY if you follow the link(s) mentioned above.
10% OFF for DVD-Cloner - excellent DVD copy software

DVD-Cloner is an excellent DVD copy software that makes quality DVD backups easily. With this tool you'll be able to backup your entire collection of DVD movies in the same quality as the originals.
This offer is similar to the previous one, you don't have to use a cupon or promotional code. In order to benefit from 10% discount click the Buy Full Version of DVD-Cloner link, from DVD-Cloner page or just follow this link.
IMPORTANT! This isn't a time limited offer but is available ONLY if you follow the link(s) mentioned above.
$10 up to $30 discount for DVDFab Platinum and DVDFab Gold - perfect quality DVD movie backups

The last but (of course) not the least offer is from Fengtao/DVDFab Software Inc. which develops the well-known DVDFab Platinum and Gold. Both DVDFab Platinum and Gold are great tools: in just one or two steps, you can copy any DVD to DVDR/PSP/iPod/etc (DVDFab Platinum) or any DVD to DVDR (DVDFab Gold).
If you want to find out more details about software check DVDFab Platinum and Gold page. If you want to buy one or both software please read below.
In order to benefit from $10 up to $30 discount you have to click the Buy Full Version of DVDFab Platinum or Buy Full Version of DVDFab Gold link, from DVDFab Platinum and Gold page or just follow this link if you want to buy DVDFab Platinum or this link for DVDFab Gold.
IMPORTANT! This offer doesn't seem to be time limited but our advice is to always read the announcement at the top of the page.